Chancellor Palpatine is an evil Sith pretending to be on the good side. Founders of shitcoins are similar in nature. Shitcoins are alternative cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin and are also known as alternative coins, or Alt-Coins. Woefully, shitcoins distract uneducated noobies away from Bitcoin’s valuable, revolutionary and immaculate innovation. They lead people down a path where they are likely to get “rekt” (lose all their money) speculating and trying to “get rich quick.” Simply put, all shitcoins are scams/ponzi schemes designed to do one thing and one thing only: enrich the coin’s founders. The founders of these 20,000+ coins always have the unfair advantage of scooping up most of their coin’s supply in a pre-sale (pre-mine) before the coin is open to the public. 

These scammers have one thing in mind: to acquire more bitcoin. How do they do that? They sell you a flashy narrative claiming that their shitcoin is better, in some way, than bitcoin, which is ALWAYS NOT THE CASE. They want you to sell your bitcoin and buy their shitcoin at a higher price, so that they can acquire more bitcoin for themselves at a lower price. Everyone who understands Bitcoin wants more Bitcoin. Unfortunately, some people don’t have morals and take advantage of others for their own gain. Don’t be fooled! Stay clear of the desire to get rich quick. Instead, choose to learn more about Bitcoin, stack harder and get wealthy slowly!If you have any questions about Bitcoin, feel free to email me at We welcome you to join our Discord server to get to know the Satoshi’s Journal team and learn more about the Bitcoin projects we are working on. Thanks for reading!

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