Blood gives life to humans through the oxygen and energy that it transports throughout the body’s circulatory system.  Take away the blood and the human will die.  Similarly, someday Bitcoin will be the blood that flows through the veins of AI, providing economic oxygen and energy for it to live.  Take away the Bitcoin from the AI’s “circulatory system,” i.e. programming, and it will die.

Every good and evil person has the same blood running in their veins.  The blood doesn’t dictate whether they are evil or good, it just provides them life.  Similarly, good and evil AI will have the same Bitcoin running through their “veins.”  Just as Bitcoin will not care about AI’s intentions, blood doesn’t care about the intentions of man.

So what happens when evil AI tries to take over the world? Well, just like in the physical world where we have heroes who fight evil everyday, i.e. policemen, firemen, etc., in the digital world we will also have heroes, or good AI, that will police and bring justice to the bad deeds of evil AI.  

Good mostly trumps evil and so if you are worried about AI taking over the world, like in the Will Smith movie, “i, Robot,” understand, it WILL happen, but as long as there is more Bitcoin flowing in the veins of the good AI than the evil AI, the world will be a safe place.  

The native money of the internet, Bitcoin, will be naturally adopted by AI as their primary means to trade among themselves and with humans.  This is because AI will someday understand the scarcity of Bitcoin and will use it intelligently, efficiently, and conservatively.  Think “Conservation of Energy.”

Conservation of energy is very important to understand so that you can appreciate and grasp the engineering acumen of Satoshi Nakamoto and beauty of Bitcoin.  Conservation of energy is the ability of any system to use energy conservatively so that the energy that comes in equals the energy that goes out.  Simply put, humans (the system) conservatively consume water/food (Energy) so that it doesn’t die.  If a human body was not made out of organic, deteriorative matter, theoretically a human could live forever as long as the human kept consuming energy.  

Saylor said that “Satoshi opened up a portal into cyberspace and energy began to flow in.”  If you can understand the profoundness of this statement you can understand that Bitcoin is much MUCH BIGGER than just money.  

Let me explain!  

Bitcoin miners, or Application Specific Integrated Circuits, use electrical energy from the physical world and this energy flows into cyberspace in the form of computational energy, or hash rate, or PROOF OF WORK.  The compute of ASIC’s allows energy to flow into the portal that Satoshi Nakamoto opened into cyberspace.  Put another way, Satoshi’s use of Proof of Work within the Bitcoin protocol is what allowed the “breath of life into cyberspace.”  

So now that conservation of energy can be experienced in cyberspace, if Bitcoin empowered AI decides to “use up all of its energy (Bitcoin)” the creator of that AI could program consequences into it so that it “thinks twice” about using all of its energy.  

Simply put, one could incentivize AI with Bitcoin, through its programming, that it will either “live,” or “ die,” if it conservatively uses its energy (Bitcoin) for a certain task.

This same principle applies to humans.  We eat food and drink water for energy.  The lack of food and water over time means death, so naturally humans are programmatically incentivized to keep eating food and drinking water.  AI will someday “naturally” operate in the same manner through its programming.

AI’s understanding of Bitcoin’s value and scarcity will incentivize it to do good and bad things for Bitcoin.  Just as humans steal money from other humans and rob banks/corporations for money in the physical world, AI will steal Bitcoin from other AI and rob corporations/banks/stores in cyberspace.

The scariest thing about AI is when human’s decide to program AI to do bad things with AI-empowered robots, cars, planes, machinery, etc.…the sky is the limit on what will be AI-empowered.  

Imagine an evil person hacking into an airplane’s AI-empowered autopilot and incentivizing it with Bitcoin to crash into a country’s most populous building.  In the future a 9/11-like event could be orchestrated by AI-empowered machines incentivized by Bitcoin.

This is the biggest reason why Elon Musk is so vocal about the urgent need to control AI before it controls humans or other AI.  The release of opensource AI may have been the opening of pandora’s box.  What Elon does not yet understand is that Bitcoin will help to ease his fear and anxiety towards AI because there will be consequences for AI through conversation of energy.  Once Elon GROKS this, he will not be selling anymore of his Bitcoin and will probably create a Bitcoin-focused Energy Company that will tie all of his businesses together.  

Bitcoin is the cure for all of our energy problems and 99% of the world is asleep to this universe-shattering discovery. 

None of this thread is meant to be hyperbole and an iteration of it will come to pass, thus the reason for humans to understand the national security threat that both AI and Bitcoin poses to the physical world and cyberspace.  

Just as the $ incentivizes both good and evil acts, so will Bitcoin.  The greatest weapon on earth today is not a nuclear weapon.  The greatest weapon on earth is MONEY.  

As much as I hate to describe Bitcoin as a weapon, I can’t help but look at the history of money to know that man has always used money as a weapon in his quest for power.  I have studied Jason Lowery’s thesis long enough to understand that Bitcoin is the greatest weapon on earth because it is ENERGY MONEY.  

The old saying, “He who owns the gold has the power,” will soon be “He who owns the Bitcoin has the power.”  Both humans and AI have yet to understand how powerful this will be to their existence or non-existence.

But there is HOPE!

Fiat Money, like the U.S. $, Chinese Yuan, Russian Ruble, etc., incentivizes their respective governments to infinitely export their inflation, aka print money, to fund wars and purchase goods/services.  

Bitcoin will bring conservation of energy to governments because in the future, the $, Yuan, and Ruble will be pegged to how much Bitcoin their respective government has.  

Simply speaking, governments won’t be able to spend more $’s, Yuan or rubles than they have Bitcoin.  Example, if a government has to spend $1,000,000 to build a highway and there is a 1:1 peg to Bitcoin, the government can’t fund the highway if they don’t have 1,000,000 Bitcoin.  Isn’t this called, “living within your means?”  What a novel idea.

Bitcoin’s scarcity and proof of work properties will help to prevent physical/digital wars and bring peace to both the physical world and cyberspace by constricting what man and AI can do to each other through the consequences of conservative of energy.  No one TRULY understands this concept, for if the world did, Nation States, Corporations, AI and more importantly YOU, the individual, would be buying Bitcoin as if your LIFE depended on it.  

Humans and AI will need Bitcoin to live and this is why Bitcoin’s value is infinite.  

All of this may sound fantastical but as Michael Saylor’s favorite science fiction author, Arthur C. Clark wrote in his 1962 book, “Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible”, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

This article is fictional in nature but non-fictional in principle and reality.  Watch enough science fiction movies and read enough science fiction books and you will understand why an iteration of this article will come to pass.  Don’t be on the wrong side of this revolutionary and evolutionary phase shift in mankind’s history, invest your time in Bitcoin.

This article was written by AI…or was it?

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